A New Beginning

So it has been about seven months since I have posted anything on this blog. The last few months have definitely not been my best. I gained weight, hit a self-esteem low point and lost all confidence and motivation I had in myself.
It’s time to turn myself around and start this again. The road to success has many failures and I’ve always known this but I didn’t expect to be heading in the wrong direction for such a long period of time. The only thing I can do now is see it as a learning experience and continue moving forward.
I recently turned twenty one and for my birthday I received multiple vouchers and a reasonable amount of money. I decided to put all of that away until I reach my weight goal and to use it as a reward to go shopping. I told my dad this at which point he asked, “So what is your weight goal?”. I had no idea because I’m not weighing myself (because if I do I’ll unhealthily obsess over it) so I bought myself lingerie from Agent Provocateur including a waspie (which is like a corset) in a size 10 and decided that my goal is to fit into it without muffining over the top.
I have quite a way to go and I’m not giving myself any time limit because I’ve realised having a time frame stresses me out to the point where I screw up or give up. I just have to believe in myself and I will get there. I’ll have my bad days and I’ll have my good days but as long as there is more good than bad I will be moving forward.

Inspiration – Kelsey Byers

This girl is amazing. She went from 80kg (same as my heaviest) to 61kg and is now a fitness model. She swears by clean eating and lives and breathes health and fitness. I don’t think I’ll ever be as passionate about the whole thing as she is but she is most certainly an inspiration to me and a lot of other people out there.

Check out her facebook fan page.

I wish I lived in America so I could buy the magazines she’s in.

Inspiration Wall

I love my inspiration wall in my bedroom. I think it’s really important to have a mix of pictures that help you remember your goals, pictures or quotes that motivate you into action and pictures that just make you happy so it’s not all about loosing weight. Make sure it’s somewhere you’re going to see every day.

I also think that you should regularly change it up. Once a month or so, take down the pictures that just aren’t doing it for you anymore and replace them with new ones.

This picture of a chihuahua in a sombrero makes me smile every time without fail. It’s the newest addition to my wall and I think it’ll be there for a while.