A New Beginning

So it has been about seven months since I have posted anything on this blog. The last few months have definitely not been my best. I gained weight, hit a self-esteem low point and lost all confidence and motivation I had in myself.
It’s time to turn myself around and start this again. The road to success has many failures and I’ve always known this but I didn’t expect to be heading in the wrong direction for such a long period of time. The only thing I can do now is see it as a learning experience and continue moving forward.
I recently turned twenty one and for my birthday I received multiple vouchers and a reasonable amount of money. I decided to put all of that away until I reach my weight goal and to use it as a reward to go shopping. I told my dad this at which point he asked, “So what is your weight goal?”. I had no idea because I’m not weighing myself (because if I do I’ll unhealthily obsess over it) so I bought myself lingerie from Agent Provocateur including a waspie (which is like a corset) in a size 10 and decided that my goal is to fit into it without muffining over the top.
I have quite a way to go and I’m not giving myself any time limit because I’ve realised having a time frame stresses me out to the point where I screw up or give up. I just have to believe in myself and I will get there. I’ll have my bad days and I’ll have my good days but as long as there is more good than bad I will be moving forward.


As some of you may have guessed from my lack of posts over the last few weeks, I’ve let myself go a bit over Christmas and in general. I’ve been really struggling with finding motivation and constantly giving in to that voice in my head that tells me I can’t do it.

But with a new year comes new hope. I’ve started a 21 day detox to kick start my weight loss for the year and I’ve made it my goal to lose 7 kg in the next 10 weeks. Which will get me just under my pre-Bali weight. Here’s a link if you’re interested in the detox. (You have to buy a book though, which is great and has a shopping list and heaps of recipes.)

I’m going to put something on my bedroom wall to remind me of the date in 10 weeks. I’m going to search for motivation in every little place that I can because this time I don’t want to fail. Failing would be harder than succeeding.


Green Coffee Bean Extract Review

So for almost a month now I’ve been taking green coffee bean extract every day. I was really hoping I could tell you it works but it doesn’t. I’ve seen no change in my weight loss, my energy levels or my appetite.
I’ve been really struggling with my weight loss journey lately, I’ve lost all motivation and I just can’t figure out how to get it back. This last week I’ve been to the gym three times after months of not going and in that week I’ve put on another kg. So no, the coffee bean extract definitely did not work for me. I’m not claiming that they don’t work at all, they just didn’t for me.
In a way I’m kind of glad, because if they did work like they were advertised it would just give me another excuse not to try my hardest and put in my all. I guess I’m just going to have to keep searching for that motivation.

Arrival of the Green Coffee Bean

My coffee bean extract arrived today and I’m really looking forward to seeing if there is any change in the next few weeks. I took two today before lunch and there was a change by dinner.
Last week on my cheat day we ordered crust pizza and I ate a whole one by myself. Tonight we did the same and I couldn’t take another bite after half.
I’m not saying that this is because of the extract but you’ve got to wonder. I’ll keep posted on it.

Please note that I am in no way recommending this brand. Do your own research. Most of the reviews on the internet I can’t believe because they recommend specific brands and have links to buy them which probably means they’re getting paid by that company.

Green Coffee Bean Extract

I decided to write a post on green coffee bean extract after hearing that it was a great weight loss supplement and after reading pages of information on the extract I found this video that sums it all up better than I could do in writing.

The only important points that I would add to the information that Dr. Oz gave is that I found a lot of websites posting warnings that there are many fake products out there. Avoid fakes by making sure that it says at least 45% Chlorogenic acid because that is the active ingredient.
Also as well as killing all the sugar, chlorogenic acid gets all your iron, zinc and magnesium so it has been suggested that along with taking green coffee bean extract you should also take vitamins that include these minerals daily. I just take Swisse multivitamins and they cover all of them.

Meal Planning

FUN FACT: On average people who plan and keep track of their meals will lose twice the amount of weight than those who don’t.

I’m really lacking motivation at the moment so I am so ready to give this a shot.
Yesterday I bought this meal planner from Kikki K that has a magnetic strip so I can stick it right to my fridge and never avoid it. I think it’s important to be able to see it all the time, and it’s also important to me that it’s pretty.
Starting today my intention is to right down everything I plan on eating in advance and then either tick them off or write in what I actually ate or any extra things I added in.
I can also keep my old sheets so when I can’t think of what to eat I can look at them for ideas.
I’ve got a good feeling about this.

Get that water down

I bought this one litre bobble drink bottle from the supermarket. It makes it so much easier to get in my average four litres of water a day, which is extremely important for weight loss.
It’s important to get a BPA free water bottle because the chemical Bisphenol A (BPA) has been linked with increased risk for cardiovascular disease, breast and prostate cancer, early puberty, obesity, diabetes, infertility, erectile dysfunction, and learning and attention-related disorders.
This drink bottle also has a filter which may be important to some but honestly I usually drink it without the lid on so I can get more water down in one gulp. That’s what works for me.

Highly recommended! And you can get it from most supermarkets so no excuses.

More info on BPA